Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Full Day!

What a fantastic first day! I hope that all the children had as much fun as I did. The Year Fours did amazing in their first day as intermediate students! We jumped right to work today and did some work with grammar: exclamatory, imperative, declarative and interrogative sentences as well as subject and predicate. Tomorrow we will start some math and social studies. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- verification form - please complete this and return to the school as soon as possible
- school fees - $64 is the total cost owing this year including YPC
- Newsletter - this will be my last monthly class newsletter in paper form, from here on out information will be on the blog or by email
- email - even though your verification form has an email section to it, please have your child write an email address that I can reach you at in their agenda so I can create my own list on my own computer
- Scholastic orders - dates for handing in are on the back
- Owl orders - even if you are not ordering can you please send the page back marked NO, they send gifts for returning the orders even if the NO box is marked
Have a great night!

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