Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wow! What an amazing day! Our class started our 2 day Maple Leaf Math Challenge today. And as of the end of the school day we were in first place in Canada!!! Congratulations everyone! Homework tonight:
- home reading
- mathletics
- any unfinished work
Have a great night!
A reminder that I will be away for surgery from tomorrow until Dec. 4.
Monday, November 19, 2012
We had a great day today. We learned about the parts of the eye and are drawing our own cross section of one this week. Tomorrow we start the Maple Leaf Math Challenge! If your child is home sick tomorrow this can be something that they can work on from home. We will be trying out for roles in the Christmas production as well tomorrow. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- spelling
- math 4 p. 66 #1-7, 6p. 80 #1-13
Have a good night!
Friday, November 16, 2012
We had a great day today. We painted our snowmen in fine arts. Tryouts for the play will take place on Tuesday. We continued to read Anne of Green Gables today. The children are really enjoying it. Homework:
- home reading
- math 4p. 63 #1-5, 5. 65 #1-2, 6p. 76 #1-10
- any unfinished work
- last chance for spirit wear on Monday
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be away from the classroom on Wednesday November 21 through December 3. I am having surgery and will be away recuperating. I know that the children will be in good hands while I am gone.
We started the day today with some fun reading comprehension and language games. The children really seemed to enjoy themselves and it was really nice to see them playing and encouraging each other so much. We also took part in our first lock down drill of the year this afternoon. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- math 4p. 60 #1-12, 5 p. 62 #1-14, 6 p. 72 #1-12
- wear pink tomorrow
Have a great night!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
We had a great afternoon today at our first YPC of the year. We saw RupLoops. It was great watching the kids beat boxing! Very entertaining. A reminder that Spirit Wear orders are due to the office this week. Homework tonight:
- home reading (reading out loud)
- any unfinished work
- grade 4 Math p. 57 #1-9
- library books
Have a good night!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
In fine arts today we started to put the pieces of our paper mache snowmen together. The students have also been given a script to look over as we will be taking part in the school musical this year,we will be doing the acting to accompany the singing of the primary classes. As this week is a short week and we have our first YPC tomorrow we will not being doing spelling this week. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- math 4p. 53 #1-11, 5p. 58 #1-8, 6p. 69 #1-2
- French quiz tomorrow years 5 and 6
- French word search if not complete
- any unfinished work
Have a good night!
Friday, November 9, 2012
In fine arts this morning we started our paper mache snowmen. It was the calmest paper mache I have ever seen! They were so tidy! Homework tonight:
- home reading (read aloud to your child and they can read aloud to you as well)
- any unfinished work
- French quiz (year 5/6) on Wednesday
A reminder that there is no school on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wow! Today is our 400th blog post! We had another wonderful day today. The year 4 students completed their first oral presentation today. They were really interesting. Our class also went down to the book fair this afternoon. The book fair will be open until 3:30 today. Thank you to all of those who have supported this wonderful fundraiser for our school library. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- study spelling
- any unfinished work
- reading response ch 3
Have a great night!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
We had a wonderful work block day today. The children all worked very hard and got so much work accomplished! A reminder that tomorrow is the last day of the school book fair. We are going to be starting a paper mache art project in our fine arts group. If you have any newspapers at home that you could bring to the classroom it would be very helpful. Homework tonight:
- home reading (read aloud to an adult OR have an adult read aloud to you!)
- math 4p. 50 #1-4, 5p. 55 #1-12, 6p. 65 #1-14
- any unfinished work
- grade 4 present their projects tomorrow
- emailed newsletter
- fundraising package
- spelling worksheet due tomorrow
Have a good night!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
We started creating a peace dove art project in fine arts today. I am really looking forward to seeing the final projects. A reminder that the year 4 students projects and presentations are due this Thursday. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- study spelling
- spelling worksheet
- yr 4 project work
- novel study circles 11 and 12 are due tomorrow
Have a good night!
Monday, November 5, 2012
We had a great day today. We went down and watched "Where the Wild Things Are." This was a wonderful production that required audience participation. We also started our first class novel "Anne of Green Gables." A reminder to year fives that you are presenting your finished brochure to the class tomorrow. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- study spelling
- reading response if not complete
- math from last week if not complete
- good copy of story from last week if not complete
- science quiz tomorrow
- book fair starts tomorrow!
Have a good night!
Friday, November 2, 2012
The year 6's did a fantastic job of presenting their first projects to the class today. A reminder that the year 5's are presenting their brochures on Tuesday and the year 4's are presenting their continent studies on Thursday. We are looking forward to hearing them! Homework tonight:
- home reading
- project work
- math 4p. 47 #1-9, 5p. 51 #1-13, 6p. 61 #1-15
- Sound test Tuesday
- good copy of story
- art cards due Monday
- novel study final circles due Wednesday
- book fair in library Tues-Thurs next week
- photo retakes Monday
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wow today seemed to go by VERY quickly! A reminder that tomorrow the year sixes are presenting their culture/population/environment projects and will be handing them in. Homework tonight:
- home reading
- any unfinished work
- spelling dictation tomorrow
- art cards
- project work for the 5/4
- science quiz Tuesday November 6
Have a good night!
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